Businesses are finding it difficult to engage with millennial each passing day. Unfortunately, this comes at a time when the spending power of millennial is about to reach its peak. No wonder brands are spending billions in buying and developing apps just to draw the attention of the youthful generation. However, a huge percentage of this money is spent on media and advertising and this doesn’t work with the young generation.
If you want to succeed, you will have to engage millennial rather than investing huge amounts of funds in outdated marketing channels. Consider finding out where millennial spend most of their time and pay more attention on those areas. For instance, millennial now spend a lot of time on messaging apps more than on social media platforms. A great intelligence services provider such as Centurysoft could be very useful and this will ensure that your business stays at the top.
The use of messaging apps to sell products and market them is known as conversational commerce. It is taking center stage and brands that have learned how to utilize it are really enjoying the benefits. Chatbots and messaging apps is the next big thing in conversational commerce. A chatbot is software that mimics conversations with people and although most consumers are not familiar with messaging bots, they have already interacted with several virtual personal assistants before such as Alexa and Siri. Chatbots are capable of directly aligning with the preferences of millennial communications and this can greatly help businesses break through this generation.
Why you Should Consider Chatbots?
Chatbots provide brands with an opportunity to directly engage millennial via messaging, which is the method of communication they prefer the most A brand that uses chatbots is able to engage with millennial effectively. Currently, almost 75% of internet users in the world use messaging services. Statistics reveal that millennial are the dominant segment of the 75%. Because text-based communications have continued to dominate amongst the youthful generation, tech leaders such as Facebook and Apple are now investing billions in chatbots to make sure that brands maximally engage with millennial.
The success of chatbots can be linked to a number of reasons including the ability to reduce friction, the ease of downloading apps and the ability to allow brands reach as many as possible millennials in their most active channels such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, SMS and so much more.
The mobile strategy used by brands must be able to expand beyond just apps in order to effectively connect with millennial
Although apps have proven to have a considerable clout with the younger generation, brands are not guaranteed that they will be downloaded once they have been availed on App Stores. Moreover, there is no guarantee that they will be retained by this generation. According to a recent study, most apps are downloaded and used only once and they are deleted. However, this is not the case with chatbots. They are cheaper to develop since they are able to leverage the already available messaging apps’ infrastructure. Moreover, because bots are capable of integrating seamlessly with messaging platforms, it is easier for developers to push contents directly to the users without necessarily relying on them to check on their app manually. This helps to save friction, time and money.
Since most popular messaging channels already have bots, it is easier for users to interact with various brands without necessarily updating, downloading or searching for an app. In addition, conversations with chatbots are in a position to mimic human interactions making the experience more fun, engaging and natural. Catering for the needs of millennial and navigating different digital landscapes has continued to hinder brands largely. This could be because of the ever changing preferences of both the millennial and channels. Collectively, millennial buying power is estimated to be approximately $200 billion and this means that brands are tremendously missing out on this opportunity.
It is prudent for brands to embrace chatbots and messaging for a successful conversational commerce. Brands that have already done this have a competitive advantage and will continue to reap the benefits. Consider looking for a renowned service provider such as Centurysoft to help you with chatbots.