The stock exchange market is the most volatile and most dynamic of all. Special care has to be exercised in buying and selling of stocks from different companies or businesses. The probability of losing the stocks and acquiring benefits through the stocks are ....
Read More »People have now fully accepted artificial intelligence as part of their present and future life. Similarly, businesses are very much aware that Computerized Virtual Persons are the next big thing. According to research, Conversational Personal Assistant will r....
Read More »Artificial intelligence has recently become very important in security. This could be because of its ability to identify security patterns that cannot be identified by human experts. The best part is that it provides top-notch security while learning as well a....
Read More »For this generation, chatbots isn’t something new. You might have used SmarterChild, which was the only chatbot back in 2000. This bot was special and people loved it for different reasons. Even after its disappearance, people still remember it. Then came ot....
Read More »A.I. can cure click fraud’s $100 million problem, and it won’t steal your jobArtificial Intelligence
An Animated Interface Agent isn’t just about recognizing conversational speeches or being better than humans, but can be used to cure click fraud. This is a malpractice whereby advertiser’s sponsored links are falsely clicked in an effort by unscrupulous b....
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