- Single platform for all Business Analytics and Insights
- Bridges gap between power user and professional authors
- Easy integration with external data sources
- Easy integration with external business solutions
- Cross compatibility for power BI and Tableau
By connecting Tableau Business Insights software with our AI assistant SILVIA, we give you a
power packed team that steps up your performance.
SILVIA has advanced linguistic and voice response capabilities that when combined with Tableau
make it easy and simple for organizations to talk to their business data. Our team of experts
came up with this innovation to bring added value to our AI solutions.
SILVIA for Tableau is an advanced adaptation of the Tableau Business Insights software that
enables you to speak with your complicated data and simplifies your decision-making process.
Get all the reports you need on voice command, filter them by different criteria, and have your
questions on the data answered instantly. Access your data quickly and have it broken down into
comprehensive information that’s easy for you to process. Become fast and efficient by assigning
SILVIA as your personal virtual data assistant and business analyst.
By stepping up your organizational efficiency, you would set yourself on the right path for
business growth.
Find out how you can use SILVIA for Tableau to put your business on the high performance path.